One Offshore Singapore designs and builds offshore installation equipment for the Oil & Gas and Renewables industries. Since it is founding in 2008, One Offshore has been delivering high performance, reliable solutions at superior value through a combination of quality components, strong engineering design skills and efficient supply chain in Asia.
Equipment from Asia
About us

Since founding as an offshore installation equipment manufacturer in 2008 by engineers with backgrounds in machine design, automation, mechanical, drives and controls for industries including offshore oil & gas, process industries, we have designed, built and deployed offshore equipment across the World. Such equipment are used by our customers for installing cables, flexible and rigid pipelines, moorings and risers, launch and recovery.
Based in Singapore with one of the World’s best connectivity, our team, together with our partners in Asia, of skilled technical professionals with the necessary domain knowledge and experience for offshore operations deliver advanced technology from Asia.
In-house capabilities in machine design, controls and instrumentation, PLC / HMI / SCADA programming, hydraulic / variable-frequency inverter drives enable our team to provide customized equipment solutions for new applications.
Our footprint presently covers mainly Pacific Asia, Middle East, South Asia, Oceania, Russia Far East, with occasional . We count world-leading global, as well as regional and national EPC / T&I companies in the offshore Oil & Gas and Renewable Energy sectors among our customers.
Machine designs and workmanship comply with the requirements of relevant international standards, chosen class requirements or best practices. Components for mechanical functionality and controls on equipment we build are of international brand repute and familiar to our international customers.

- Engineering capabilities in machine structures, mechanical design, hydraulic / electric drives, PLC controls, instrumentation that enables customization to customer preferences
- Use of 3-dimensional parametric engineering design tools with FEA capabilities
- Technical personnel with offshore experience that knowledge of operational and QHSE demands of the offshore industry.
- Based in a marine and air transport hub with vibrant eco-system for the offshore industry